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wedding date


We can say that the most special date of a couple's life is their wedding date, however, choosing this day correctly is of fundamental importance, because the vibrations present on the wedding day will influence the couple's life while they are together, because it is the day when the union was signed, before the universe, the altar of conscience between both, and the society.

The choice of the day should be up to the couple who best adapt to the chosen vibrations because each day is unique and has specific energies.

In addition to the wedding date, another item that should be taken into consideration is the harmony between the couple. It is important to clarify that we can find happy unions with conflicting vibrations. In these cases, either their names are harmonious or they are spiritually developed beings, aware of their duties and who know how to adjust to difficulties and overcome their obstacles, however, in most cases, happy couples are those who have conjugal harmony.

To calculate the vibration that will influence the couple's life, just add the complete wedding date - Day, month and year.

Example: October 23, 2024

2 + 3 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 14 = 5

The couple will be influenced by the energy of the 5

Check below the characteristics and vibrations of each day

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  • Day 1: It is a pioneer number, great for starts and starts. It is a number of self-confidence and honesty, which if brought into marriage, will bring a solid and prosperous marriage, if both fight together for the same goals in common, and can still acquire many material goods if this attitude is taken. This vibe attracts a beautiful, elegant and cheerful party, being a day more used by cool couples.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 2: It is a number of union, partnership and complicity. It has a calm and gentle vibe, attracting a peaceful, harmonious and sociable relationship. This vibe attracts a very harmonious party, with many intimate guests of the couple, being a day used by romantic and traditional couples.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 3: It is a communicative, creative and very sociable number. This communicative vibe attracts the constant presence of family and friends with the couple, who generally enjoy partying or always being among social groups. A party with this vibe attracts an unparalleled wedding, one of those well organized and of good taste and refinement. The vibration of this date can help a couple who have problems communicating harmoniously, attracting good communication throughout the relationship.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 4: It is a realistic, balanced and fair number. It attracts security, stability and awareness, being a more homely vibe, where the couple likes to work and have a peaceful everyday life, guaranteeing a prosperous future. This vibe attracts a more intimate wedding, only for the most intimate of the couple, being a vibe suitable for more focused and serious couples.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 5: It is a busy and sociable number. attracts many trips, adventures, a desire to discover the world and all the sensations. It attracts a fun wedding, without monotony, peaceful and harmonious, that likes to receive friends and family at home, however, it must be careful as excess of adventures and expenses, because this vibration also attracts parallel amusements and expenses greater than one could have. Children should only come after building well-established socioeconomic stability. This vibe attracts a big, lively, cheerful and very sociable party, being a suitable date for modern couples.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 6: It's a loving, homely and peaceful number. The number 6 is the number of love and that is why it attracts a relationship well connected to what we have as “happy union”. It attracts a more homely, romantic, sincere, faithful, peaceful and harmonious wedding. It is a great vibration for forming a family with several children, but only after socioeconomic stability. This vibe attracts a peaceful, harmonious, happy and full of loved ones party.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 7: It is a discreet, calm and patient number. It attracts inspiration as well as isolation. Ideal for couples who have willpower and instinct to overcome, because a union on that day, brings a difficult relationship because both seek to live their lives alone, even under the same roof. It is a vibration that requires a lot of dedication and effort from both to maintain the marriage. The lack of determination of both to remain together can lead to the end of this union early, even if there is love. A party with this vibe is more intimate and modest.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 8: It is a materialistic, fair and stable number. It is a vibration for couples who seek to grow in life materially, are ambitious and love to work and have money, prefer to be rational and realistic. It attracts a financially stabilized and prosperous marriage, with few friends and a small but select social environment. This vibe attracts a glamorous party, however, one should avoid spending more than the budget foreseen, being an ideal day for materially ambitious couples, who are more rational than sentimental.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 9: It is an emotional, sentimental and patient number. Attracts a romantic, tolerant and understanding marriage. This vibe attracts a party full of tears and a lot of emotion and sentimentality, making it an ideal day for very romantic couples.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 11: It is an intuitive, sensitive and optimistic number. It is a vibration that attracts protection, joy and great achievements in married life, tending to have a promising future. A party with this vibe is full of optimism, joy and sentimentality.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 22: It is a skillful, practical, organized and cordial number. It is a vibration that attracts personal satisfaction, which if used between the couple, will lead to a harmonious and prosperous married life, where both will fight together for the good of the union. This number attracts a simple and well-organized party, making it ideal for a second wedding.

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Day 33: It is a powerful and exceptionally vibrant number, linked to love, understanding and complicity. When vibration 6 comes from reducing that 33, it is a strong indication of happy and loving union. This vibration attracts true and profound love, being ideal for those who dream of “eternal love”.

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