For Kabbalistic Numerology, the year 2019 will be governed by vibration 3, since its sum is:
2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12
1 + 2 = 3
Under the influence of vibration 3, 2019 will be a year of great achievements in terms of communications, since number 3 is directly linked to communication. In this case, social contacts, parties, meetings, conversations and everything related to communication will be more in evidence.
We are a family owned and operated business.
This energy 3 is also highly creative and artistic, so we will have a year full of unusual news, a lot of creativity and new talents appearing in the artistic sector. 3 likes to appear, so we will have an even greater number of ordinary people interacting on their social networks, showing their daily lives, how they live, what they do and their experiences. It will be a year of very busy social networks! As vibration 3 is very cheerful and fun, there may be some slip-ups regarding responsibilities, failing to fulfill your obligations in search of fun. As this vibration is communicative, its negative side is linked to the misuse of this communication, that is, gossip, gossip, gossip should be avoided as much as possible this year.
The same is true of overexposure on social media, where care must be taken not to post inappropriate content and end up being the victim of malicious gossip. As this vibration is excessively electric, it is common to start many things at once, however, in addition to having depleted your energies due to so many activities, the worst thing is to start many things and not finish them, leaving them in the middle of way.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The Universal Year, as the name implies, is the universal vibration emitted to all people on the planet during 2019, that is, all people will receive the vibrational influences of this Universal Year 3. This universal vibration begins on the day January 1st and will run until December 31st, 2019.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The Personal Year is the vibration that each person will be vibrating in a given year, however, this vibration starts on their birthday and not on January 1st.
We are a family owned and operated business.
One person was born on July 5, 1955.
To know the Personal Year you must add the day of birth + month of birth + current year.
Let's take the example of the person above:
5 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 24
2 + 4 = 6
In 2019 this person will be on vibration 6.
However, as the vibration of the Personal Year starts on the birthday and not on January 1, the person above will be in vibration 5 until July 5, 2019, when it will start vibrating in Personal Year 6 (5 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 24 | 2 + 4 = 6).
Important: The Personal Year starts on your birthday and not on January 1.
See below all Personal Years forecasts for 2019
PERSONAL YEAR 1 - The planting of seeds.
Year 1 represents the beginning, where goals, objectives, projects, dreams and ideals must be initiated. It is the planting of seeds that will germinate in the coming years, being a great year for long-term projects, such as starting a college, investing in a new career or starting a business.
Have - Independence, initiative, courage, determination, focus, creativity, inspiration, intuition and believe in your potential.
Avoid - Procrastination, discouragement, dependence, insecurity, lack of determination and lack of initiative.
PERSONAL YEAR 2 - The seeds germinate
Year 2 represents waiting, patience and discretion, a time to observe and reflect, to be receptive to the ideas of others, however, without starting important projects. This year favors sociability, social contacts, being a great time to make good friends and create new relationships.
Have - Diplomacy, discretion, patience, receptivity, fraternity, companionship, sociability, cooperation and delicacy in social treatment.
Avoid - Hypersensitivity, intolerance, impatience, isolation, daring, giving opinions and getting involved in discussions, especially those of others, taking pains from others.
PERSONAL YEAR 3 - The sprouts appear
Year 3 represents communication, hectic social life, entertainment, travel and cultivation of new friendships. It's a great year to express your creativity and communication, whether it's writing, painting, singing or acting. In that year artistic creativity is on the rise and must be used in a constructive way. It is a year of good health and physical disposition. It is also a year that good opportunities can arise.
Year 1 projects may be starting to pay off now, pay attention to them!
Have - Creativity, communication, sociability, joy, dedication, willpower and achievement.
Avoid - Selfishness, ostentation, extravagance, spending money futilely, physical excesses and exhaustion, loss of energy, sleepless nights, poor diet, poor time management and lack of emotional control.
Year 3 also favors forbidden romances and committed people who engage in these types of relationships that year are likely to split up in year 4.
PERSONAL YEAR 4 - Hoeing the land
Year 4 represents hard work, where expenses are high. It is the time to invest in the future, building the foundations that will give the expected good results. It is a great year to deal with real estate and properties.
Have - Self-control, self-discipline, concrete and solid ideas, work with determination and be methodical, take care of physical and mental health.
Avoid - Laziness, discouragement, procrastination, inertia, wasting time on useless or futile things and neglecting health (this year bone or dental problems may arise).
PERSONAL YEAR 5 - Buttons are born
Year 5 represents movement, change, where the present is lived more, following the instincts themselves. It is a year that is well in the middle of the 9-year cycle, as 4 years have passed and another 4 years are yet to come. It is a time of fun, however, without having so many worries or making plans for the future. Year 5 is accelerated, accident-prone and full of unexpected changes, which can be from good to bad or from bad to good. A year full of opportunities, which should be used well.
Have - Courage, adaptation, action, self-confidence, intuition, reflection and discernment.
Avoid - Dispersion of energies, selfishness, excessive sexual activity, harming others for one's own benefit and being inert.
PERSONAL YEAR 6 - Flowers open
The year 6 represents home, domestic responsibilities, and is great for marriage. It is a year linked to the family and the desire to find its place in the world.
This year can bring travel problems, like lost luggage or car problems.
It is also a year where if there is any type of chronic disease, it will manifest itself so that it can be treated.
Have - Altruism, either with family members or strangers; compassion, love for others, sense of responsibility, independence and emotional balance.
Avoid - Idealism, wait for others, get involved in discussions and neglect domestic and family responsibilities.
PERSONAL YEAR 7 - The fruits are born
Year 7 represents isolation, rest, self-knowledge, studies, recollection and meditation. It is a year of introspection, in search of your inner self, checking what your most intimate desires and priorities are. It is a time for calm, to leave parties aside and dedicate yourself.
Have - Self-control, reflection, self-knowledge, discernment, discretion, silence, isolation, calm and tranquility.
Avoid - Ambition, greed, hype, parties, noise, criticism, being a victim, making comments, neglecting health and spending money on futility or uselessness.
PERSONAL YEAR 8 - The harvest
The year 8 represents materialism. It is the year where the results of the previous years of this cycle appear, and depending on how the previous years were treated, now there will probably be prosperity and abundance; on the other hand, if the previous years have been neglected, this year could be a great loss and expense. It is a dynamic and great year for dealing with financial matters, such as selling or buying real estate and paying or collecting debts. In that year the money comes from unexpected sources, and one must be aware of the opportunities that will arise to make money.
Have - Organization, practicality, efficiency, common sense, courage, daring, entrepreneurship, broad vision and financial balance, making good use of money.
Avoid - Exaggerated display, disorganization, financial imbalance, emotionality and sentimentality.
PERSONAL YEAR 9 - Clean the soil after harvest and prepare it for a new planting
The year 9 represents the endings and the endings, it is the end of the 9 year cycle and the preparation for the new cycle. It is a year of cleaning, where the useless and unnecessary must be removed from your life, which also includes people. Because it is a year of terminations, relationships tend to come to an end this year, not just affective relationships, like worn-out friendships or poorly resolved societies. It is a good year to dedicate to spiritual, esoteric and metaphysical studies, as well as to travel, represent, write and paint.
Have - Compassion, humanitarianism, love of neighbor, do volunteer work, have material and emotional detachment, letting go of what no longer makes sense in your life.
Avoid - Selfishness, possessiveness, jealousy, material and affective attachment.